major refactor: separated reading into a library

This commit is contained in:
Finn Dane 2023-04-16 00:17:04 +02:00
parent 016640d392
commit 5fc5ba6032
11 changed files with 204 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18)
add_executable(spices src/spices.cpp src/SharedIndex.cpp src/BucketedZstdData.cpp)
target_link_libraries(spices zstd)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
add_library(RdaReader src/RdaReader src/SharedIndex.cpp src/BucketedZstdData.cpp)
target_include_directories(RdaReader PUBLIC include)
target_link_libraries(RdaReader zstd)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#include <optional>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include <functional>
class RdaReader {
RdaReader(std::function<void(const std::string &)> logger);
size_t readDataset(
const std::vector<char> &datasetName,
const std::vector<char> &sharedIndex,
const std::vector<std::istream *> &rdas,
std::ostream &output
size_t readDataset(
const std::vector<char> &datasetName,
const std::vector<char> &sharedIndex,
const std::vector<std::istream *> &rdas,
std::ostream &output,
std::mutex &outputMutex
size_t readRda(
std::istream &rda,
uint64_t id,
std::ostream &output
size_t readRda(
std::istream &rda,
uint64_t id,
std::ostream &output,
std::mutex &outputMutex
const std::function<void(const std::string &)> logger;
void log(const std::string &string);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#include "RdaReader.hpp"
#include "SharedIndex.hpp"
#include "BucketedZstdData.hpp"
#include <mutex>
#include <execution>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
void RdaReader::log(const std::string &string) {
if(logger) logger(string);
RdaReader::RdaReader() : logger(nullptr) {}
RdaReader::RdaReader(std::function<void(const std::string &)> logger) : logger(logger) {}
size_t RdaReader::readRda(std::istream &rda, uint64_t id, std::ostream &output, std::mutex &outputMutex) {
log("Reading an rda\n");
BucketedZstdData bucket(rda);
if(std::optional<std::vector<std::vector<char>>> data = bucket.getEntriesByID(id)) {
const std::lock_guard lock(outputMutex);
log("Writing " + std::to_string(data.value().size()) + " entries to output\n");
for(const auto &entry : data.value()) {
output.write(, entry.size()) << '\n';
log("Done writing entries\n");
return data.value().size();
log("No entries found\n");
return 0;
size_t RdaReader::readRda(std::istream &rda, uint64_t id, std::ostream &output) {
std::mutex dummyMutex;
return readRda(rda, id, output, dummyMutex);
size_t RdaReader::readDataset(const std::vector<char> &datasetName, const std::vector<char> &sharedIndex, const std::vector<std::istream *> &rdas, std::ostream &output, std::mutex &outputMutex) {
log("Reading shared index... ");
SharedIndex sharedIndexReader(sharedIndex);
if(std::optional<std::uint64_t> id = sharedIndexReader.getID(datasetName)) {
log("Found ID: " + std::to_string(id.value()) + '\n');
std::atomic_size_t totalEntries(0);
[this, &totalEntries, &id, &output, &outputMutex](std::istream * const &rda) {totalEntries += readRda(*rda, id.value(), output, outputMutex);}
return totalEntries;
log("No entries found\n");
return 0;
size_t RdaReader::readDataset(const std::vector<char> &datasetName, const std::vector<char> &sharedIndex, const std::vector<std::istream *> &rdas, std::ostream &output) {
std::mutex dummyMutex;
return readDataset(datasetName, sharedIndex, rdas, output, dummyMutex);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
add_executable(RdaReaderExec src/rdaExtractor.cpp)
target_link_libraries(RdaReaderExec RdaReader)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#include <RdaReader.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#define IS_REDIRECTED !(_isatty(_fileno(stdout)))
#elif __unix__
#include <unistd.h>
#define IS_REDIRECTED !(isatty(fileno(stdout)))
#warning "Redirection cannot be checked, will always asume to be redirected"
#define IS_REDIRECTED true
std::mutex cerrMutex;
void threadedLog(const std::string &input) {
std::lock_guard lock(cerrMutex);
std::cerr << input << std::flush;
std::optional<std::vector<char>> readSharedIndex(const std::filesystem::path &filePath) {
std::ifstream sharedIndexFile(filePath, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
if(!sharedIndexFile.good()) {
return {};
std::vector<char> sharedIndexData(sharedIndexFile.tellg());
sharedIndexFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);, sharedIndexData.size());
return sharedIndexData;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if(argc != 3 && argc != 4) {
std::cerr << "usage: datesetname rootdirectory [force write to terminal(true | false)]" << std::endl;
return 1;
if(!IS_REDIRECTED && (argc != 4 || std::string(argv[3]) != "true")) {
std::cerr << "output is not redirected, specify you want to write to the terminal" << std::endl;
return 1;
std::string datesetString = argv[1];
std::vector<char> datasetName(datesetString.begin(), datesetString.end());
const std::filesystem::path rootDirectory(argv[2]);
const std::filesystem::path sharedIndexPath(rootDirectory / "sharedindex.shi");
std::vector<char> sharedIndexData;
if(auto data = readSharedIndex(sharedIndexPath)) {
sharedIndexData = data.value();
} else {
std::cerr << "cannot find '" << sharedIndexPath << "'" << std::endl;
return 2;
std::vector<std::ifstream> rdasIfstreams;
for(const std::filesystem::directory_entry &file : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(rootDirectory)) {
if(file.path().extension() == ".rda") rdasIfstreams.emplace_back(std::ifstream(file.path(), std::ios::binary));
std::vector<std::istream *> rdaRefs;
for(std::ifstream &stream : rdasIfstreams) {
RdaReader rdaReader(threadedLog);
if(size_t totalRead = rdaReader.readDataset(datasetName, sharedIndexData, rdaRefs, std::cout)) {
std::cerr << "Found a total of " << totalRead << " entries" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cerr << "Cannot find '" << argv[1] << "' in the shared index" << std::endl;

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <execution>
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include "SharedIndex.hpp"
#include "BucketedZstdData.hpp"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#define IS_REDIRECTED !(_isatty(_fileno(stdout)))
#elif __unix__
#include <unistd.h>
#define IS_REDIRECTED !(isatty(fileno(stdout)))
#warning "Redirection cannot be checked, will always asume to be redirected"
#define IS_REDIRECTED true
std::mutex cerrMutex;
#define CERRLOG(...) \
{ \
std::lock_guard lock(cerrMutex); \
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \
std::optional<std::vector<char>> readSharedIndex(const std::filesystem::path &filePath) {
std::ifstream sharedIndexFile(filePath, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
if(!sharedIndexFile.good()) {
return {};
std::vector<char> sharedIndexData(sharedIndexFile.tellg());
sharedIndexFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);, sharedIndexData.size());
return sharedIndexData;
void processRDA(const std::filesystem::directory_entry &file, std::atomic_size_t &totalEntries, uint64_t id, std::mutex &outputMutex) {
if(file.path().extension() == ".rda") {
std::string fileName(file.path().filename());
std::ifstream fileStream(file.path(), std::ios::binary);
CERRLOG("Reading %s\n", fileName.c_str());
BucketedZstdData bucket(fileStream);
if(std::optional<std::vector<std::vector<char>>> data = bucket.getEntriesByID(id)) {
totalEntries += data.value().size();
const std::lock_guard lock(outputMutex);
CERRLOG("Writing %s\n", fileName.c_str());
for(const auto &entry : data.value()) {
std::cout.write(, entry.size()) << '\n';
} else {
CERRLOG("No entries found in %s\n", fileName.c_str());
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if(argc != 3 && argc != 4) {
std::cerr << "usage: datesetname rootdirectory [force write to terminal(true | false)]" << std::endl;
return 1;
if(!IS_REDIRECTED && (argc != 4 || std::string(argv[3]) != "true")) {
std::cerr << "output is not redirected, specify you want to write to the terminal" << std::endl;
return 1;
const std::filesystem::path rootDirectory(argv[2]);
const std::filesystem::path sharedIndexPath(rootDirectory / "sharedindex.shi");
std::cerr << "Loading shared index..." << std::flush;
std::vector<char> sharedIndexData;
if(auto data = readSharedIndex(sharedIndexPath)) {
sharedIndexData = data.value();
} else {
std::cerr << "cannot find '" << sharedIndexPath << "'" << std::endl;
return 2;
std::cerr << "Loaded shared index" << std::endl;
std::string datesetString = argv[1];
std::vector<char> datasetName(datesetString.begin(), datesetString.end());
SharedIndex sharedIndex(sharedIndexData);
std::cerr << "Fetching ID from shared index... " << std::flush;
std::atomic_size_t totalEntries(0);
if(std::optional<std::uint64_t> id = sharedIndex.getID(datasetName)) {
std::cerr << "Found ID: " << id.value() << std::endl;
std::mutex outputMutex;
[&totalEntries, &id, &outputMutex](const auto& file) {processRDA(file, totalEntries, id.value(), outputMutex);}
std::cerr << "Found a total of " << totalEntries << " entries" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cerr << "Cannot find '" << argv[1] << "' in the shared index" << std::endl;
return 2;